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Maria Chemes comienza su labor artística muy joven tanto en relación al canto como a la escritura.

En el canto tiene mas de 25 años de investigación producto de los cuales nace su método de enseñanza:“ Encuentro con la voz” del que imparte seminarios en Buenos aires y en Italia.

Comenzó en 1985 con música popular mientras estudiaba con Lucia Maranca hasta 1995.

Abarcó un repertorio de Canciones españolas antiguas y Sefaradíes.

Luego incorporó Boleros y Tangos.


Despues de su trabajo con Werner Schroeter en la Shauspielhaus de Hamburgo (1995) incursiona en el canto lírico descubriendo así su voz de soprano lírica.

Estudia con Horacio Amauri (1997-2000), Maria Rosa Farré (2001-2006) y con Graciela de Gyldenfeldt (2010-2013).

Se dedica a estudiar , desarrollar su voz y da conciertos en distintas salas de Buenos Aires.


Actualmente se siente llamada a hacer una síntesis y está armando espectáculos que parten de lo lírico y llegan al repertorio popular.

Retorna a los boleros y los tangos enriquecidos por el tiempo dedicado al repertorio lírico con el pianista Leandro Chiappe.

Son personas importantes en su formación y realización artística: Lito Valle con quien hizo repertorio y recitales entre 1994 y 1997.

Rozita Zozoulia  con quien estudia repertorio lírico y realiza conciertos entre el 2000 y el 2015.

Norman Briski  con quien realiza sus seminarios en Caliban.

Augusto Fernández en el Seminario puerta.

Daniel Suarez Marzal con quien realiza un seminario de dirección y dramaturgia.

Werner Schreter con quien estudia y trabaja esporádicamente entre 1985 y 1995.

En cuanto a la escritura se inicia en la poesía a temprana edad… Gracias a consultas y correspondencias con escritores y maestros como  Leónidas Lamborghini.

Su primer libro:A rodar/la niña se publica en 1987  este es el primero de tres libros de poesía.

El segundo se titula: Los lejanos amantísimos y se publica en 1993.Estos dos primeros libros fueron publicados por José Luis Mangieri en la colección “Todos bailan” de la Editorial Tierra Firme.

Su tercer libro de poemas “Brazos de ningún vacío” lo edita en Editorial Paradiso  en el 2012.

En en 2016 edita su primer libro en prosa: “Zapiola es una calle eterna”en Ediciones Lamás Médula y gana el primer premio  de poesía extranjera en el “Premio Michelangelo Buonarotti “ città de Saravezza.

Ha incursionado en la puesta en escena de la palabra poética realizando Performances de su autoría en La Alianza Francesa y  Despues del cuento dirigida por Cristina Moreira en la sala del Foro Gandhi.

En 2016 dirige "Eterna resonancia" en base a textos de William Shakespeare con piezas para piano de Erik Satie.


María Chemes started her art career, both in singing and in writing at a very young age.


She has more than 25 years of experience in singing, from which her teaching method “Meeting with the voice” (in Spanish, “Encuentro con la voz”) stems. This method is part of a seminar she runs in Argentina and Italy.


Under Lucía Maranca's guidance, she studied popular music from 1985 to 1995. Her popular repertoire first included old Spanish and Sephardic songs and later on added bolero and tango songs.


After working with Werner Schroeter in Hamburg’s Schauspielhaus in 1995, she took her first steps in opera singing. It was then when she discovered her lyric soprano voice. She studied with Horacio Amauri between 1997 and 2000, with María Rosa Farré between 2001 and 2006, and with Graciela de Gyldenfeldt between 2010 and 2013.


Her primary focus is on studying, developing her voice and singing in concerts held in different places around Buenos Aires. She is currently creating a new show that blends popular and opera music. She is going back to bolero and tango songs, which have been mastered thanks to all the time dedicated to the lyrical repertoire with the pianist Leandro Chiappe.


These are some of the most important people in her artistic background and career:

  • Lito Valle, with whom she performed several times between 1994 and 1997;

  • Rozita Zozulia, with whom she studied lyrical singing and performed several times between 2000 and 2015;

  • Norman Briski, whose seminars she attended in Caliban;

  • Augusto Fernández, in the “Puerta” seminar;

  • Daniel Suárez Marzal, whose direction and playwriting seminars she attended; and

  • Werner Schreter, with whom she studied and worked sporadically between 1985 and 1995.


Regarding writing, she started in poetry at a very young age, thanks to the several letters she exchanged with writers and teachers such as Leónidas Lamborghini.


Her first book, “A rodar/la niña” (in English, “Let's roll/The girl”), was published in 1987, which would be the first of her three poetry books. The second, “Los lejanos amantísimos” (in English, “The far lovers”), was published in 1993. These two books were published by José Luis Mangieri within the collection “Todos bailan” (in English, “Everybody dances”), for the publishing house Editorial Tierra Firme. Her third poetry book, “Brazos de ningún vacío” (in English, “Arms of no empty space”), was edited by Editorial Paradiso in 2012.


“Zapiola es una calle eterna” (in English, “Zapiola is an eternal street), her first prose book, was published by Ediciones Lamás Médula in 2016. This book won an award for best foreign poetry in the “Premio Michelangelo Buonarotti”, in Saravezza, Italy.


María has taken some steps into poetry and acting with her own material by performing in “La Alianza Francesa” and “Después del cuento”, which was directed by Cristina Moreira at the Foro Gandhi. In 2016, she directed “Eterna resonancia” (in English, “Eternal resonance”) based on William Shakespeare’s texts, together with piano music by Erik Satie.

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María Chemes © 2017

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