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Mi camino como docente inició siendo adolescente como ayudante de Alicia Lurá,quien daba clases de Iniciación musical para niños.

Mi tarea consistía en ayudar a los que tenían dificultades para aprender o seguir el ritmo del grupo.


A los dos años de ésta tarea comencé a tener alumnos propios .Niños entre 5 y 12 años.

Esta tarea la realicé desde los años  1980 hasta 1985.

En 1983 coordiné un  Taller de iniciación estética en el Complejo Cultural del Museo de Telecomunicaciones para niños donde trabajamos con el canto,la plástica y la palabra.


En 1986 y hasta fines de 1987 creé  un taller en mi  estudio para puberes entre 10 y 12 años donde trabajamos con la escritura y la ilustración teniendo la palabra como matriz generadora de imágenes,introducción al lenguaje poético e iniciación musical.

También coordine grupos para adultos de iniciación al canto y canto para desafinados.


En 1987-88 coordiné grupos de música para niños escolares en “ La escuelita” Jorge Newbery 2909.

1988-1989 realicé la preparación vocal de los actores de la obra “ La mujer del abanico” de Yukio Mishima,dirigida por Mónica Viñao.


Entre los años 1994-98 dicté seminarios de acción vocal para actores,estudiantes de teatro,locutores y cantantes.


En 1994 y 1998 dicté seminarios de técnica vocal para actores en Calibán el estudio de Norman Briski en Mexico 1428.


Desde 1990 dicto clases de canto y técnica vocal en mi estudio.Producto de éstas clases he realizado muestras con mis alumnos en diversas salas y teatros: Foro Gandhi,Centro cultural las cañitas,Teatro Santa Maria,Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires.


A partir del 2013 organizo y realizo seminarios de encuentro con la voz en Italia una vez por año:” Incontro con la voce”.

Maria’s career as a teacher began when she was a teenager, as the assistant of Alicia Lurá, who gave classes of Introduction to Music for children. Her purpose was to help those who had difficulties to learn or to keep up with the rest of the group. Two years later, María started having her own students, who were boys and girls aged 5 to 12. She carried out this activity from 1980 until 1985.


In 1983, she became the coordinator of a Workshop of introduction to aesthetics in the Museum of Telecommunications in Buenos Aires for kids, where they worked with singing, art and speaking.


From 1986 to late 1987, she created a workshop in her studio for children aged 10 to 12, where they could work with writing and illustration with language as a matrix to generate images, the introduction to poetry, and introduction to music. She was also the coordinator of adult groups for Introduction to Singing and Singing for those who are out of tune.


Between 1987 and 1988, she coordinated music groups for children in “La escuelita” Jorge Newbery. In 1988 and 1989, she trained actors on vocal skills for the play “La mujer del abanico” (in English, “The woman with the fan”) by Yukio Mishima, directed by Mónica Viñao.


From 1994 and until 1998, she gave seminars on vocals for actors, acting students, announcers and singers.


In 1994 and 1998, she also gave seminars on vocal technique for actors in Calibán, the studio Norman Briski had in Buenos Aires.


She has been giving singing and vocal technique classes since 1990 in her private studio. Thanks to all these classes, she has put up shows with her students in different rooms and theatres, such as Foro Gandhi, Centro Cultural Las Cañitas, Teatro Santa Maria, and Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires.


Since 2013, she has been organising and giving Meeting with the Voice seminars in Italy, once a year, called “Incontro con la voce.”

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